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27 April 2024

  • 02.0727 April 2024 02.07Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 23 (riw | sunting) ‎[48.866 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'GREEK THOUGHT AND LITERATURE § 1. The Athens of Pericles. § 2. Socrates. § 3. What was the Quality of the Common Athenians? § 4. Greek Tragedy and Comedy. § 5. Plato and the Academy. § 6. Aristotle and the Lyceum. § 7. Philosophy becomes Unworldly. § 8. The Quality and Limitations of Greek Thought. § 1 GREEK history for the next forty years after Platæa and Mycale is a story of comparative peace and tranquillity. There were wars, but they were not in...')

25 April 2024

  • 04.3925 April 2024 04.39Mitos Bintang/Eridanus (riw | sunting) ‎[1.083 bita]Alagos (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'Rasi bintang '''Eridanus''' dalam bahasa Yunani disebut Êridanos atau Potamos Didymoi ("Sungai"), dalam bahasa Akkad disebut Purattu ("Sungai Efrat), dan dalam bahasa Sumer disebut BURANUN ("Sungai Efrat"). <!-- 250px|jmpl|ka|Rasi bintang Gemini ' == Dioskouri == Dua putra kembar Zeus yang bernama Kastor dan Polydeukes. Mereka merupakan penunggang kuda terkenal yang diangkat ke langit setelah mati dan dijadikan rasi bintang Gemini.<ref na...')
  • 03.3125 April 2024 03.31Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 22 (riw | sunting) ‎[85.449 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE GREEKS AND THE PERSIANS § 1. The Hellenic Peoples. § 2. Distinctive Features of Hellenic Civilization. § 3. Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy in Greece. § 4. The Kingdom of Lydia. § 5. The Rise of the Persians in the East. § 6. The Story of Crœsus. § 7. Darius Invades Russia. § 8. The Battle of Marathon. § 9. Thermopylæ and Salamis. § 10. Platæa and Mycale. § 1 AND now our history must go back again to those Aryan-speaking peoples of whose...')

24 April 2024

  • 02.2424 April 2024 02.24Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 21 (riw | sunting) ‎[41.017 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES AND THE PROPHETS § 1. The Place of the Israelites in History. § 2. Saul, David, and Solomon. § 3. The Jews a People of Mixed Origin. § 4. The Importance of the Hebrew Prophets. § 1 WE are now in a position to place in their proper relationship to this general outline of human history the Israelites, and the most remarkable collection of ancient documents in the world, that collection which is known to all Christian peoples as the Old...')
  • 02.2124 April 2024 02.21Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 20 (riw | sunting) ‎[42.903 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'SERFS, SLAVES, SOCIAL CLASSES, AND FREE INDIVIDUALS § 1. The Common Man in Ancient Times. § 2. The Earliest Slaves. § 3. The first "Independent" Persons. § 4. Social Classes Three Thousand Years Ago. § 5. Classes Hardening into Castes. § 6. Caste in India. § 7. The System of the Mandarins. § 8. A Summary of Five Thousand Years. § 1 WE have been sketching in the last four chapters the growth of civilized states out of the primitive Neolithic agricultur...')
  • 02.1824 April 2024 02.18Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 19 (riw | sunting) ‎[37.483 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'GODS AND STARS, PRIESTS AND KINGS § 1. Nomadic and Settled Religion. § 2. The Priest Comes into History. § 3. Priests and the Stars. § 4. Priests and the Dawn of Learning. § 5. King against Priest. § 6. How Bel-Marduk Struggled against the Kings. § 7. The God-Kings of Egypt. § 8. Shi Hwang-ti Destroys the Books. § 1 WE have already told what there is to tell of the social life of the Aryan tribes when they were settling down to the beginnings of civil...')
  • 02.1524 April 2024 02.15Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 18 (riw | sunting) ‎[18.271 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'WRITING § 1. Picture Writing. § 2. Syllable Writing. § 3. Alphabet Writing. § 4. The Place of Writing in Human Life. § 1 IN the five preceding chapters (XIII to XVII) we have sketched in broad outline the development of the chief human communities from the primitive beginnings of the heliolithic culture to the great historical kingdoms and empires in the sixth century b.c. We must now study a little more closely the general process of social change, the g...')
  • 02.1224 April 2024 02.12Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 17 (riw | sunting) ‎[23.640 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'SEA PEOPLES AND TRADING PEOPLES § 1. The Earliest Ships and Sailors. § 2. The Ægean Cities before History. § 3. The First Voyages of Exploration. § 4. Early Traders. § 5. Early Travellers. § 1 THE first boats were made very early indeed in the Neolithic stage of culture by riverside and lakeside peoples. They were no more than trees and floating wood, used to assist the imperfect natural swimming powers of men. Then came the hollowing out of the trees,...')
  • 02.1024 April 2024 02.10Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 16 (riw | sunting) ‎[44.147 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE FIRST CIVILIZATIONS § 1. Early Cities and Early Nomads. § 2a. The Riddle of the Sumerians. § 2b. The Empire of Sargon the First. § 2c. The Empire of Hammurabi. § 2d. The Assyrians and their Empire. § 2e. The Chaldean Empire. § 3. The Early History of Egypt. § 4. The Early Civilization of India. § 5. The Early History of China. § 6. While the Civilizations were Growing. § 1 WHEN the Aryan way of speech and life was beginning to spread to the east...')

23 April 2024

  • 02.1423 April 2024 02.14Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 15 (riw | sunting) ‎[31.792 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE ARYAN-SPEAKING PEOPLES IN PREHISTORIC TIMES § 1. The Spreading of the Aryan-Speakers. § 2. Primitive Aryan Life. § 3. Early Aryan Daily Life. § 1 WE have spoken of the Aryan language as probably arising in the region of the Danube and South Russia and spreading from that region of origin. We say "probably," because it is by no means certainly proved that that was the centre; there have been vast discussions upon this point and wide divergences of opini...')
  • 02.1123 April 2024 02.11Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 14 (riw | sunting) ‎[26.038 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE LANGUAGES OF MANKIND § 1. No one Primitive Language. § 2. The Aryan Languages. § 3. The Semitic Languages. § 4. The Hamitic Languages. § 5. The Ural Altaic Languages. § 6. The Chinese Languages. § 7. Other Language Groups. § 8. Submerged and Lost Languages. § 9. How Languages may be Related. § 1 IT is improbable that there was ever such a thing as a common human language. We know nothing of the language of Palæolithic man; we do not even know wh...')
  • 02.0723 April 2024 02.07Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 13 (riw | sunting) ‎[19.289 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE RACES OF MANKIND § 1. Is Mankind Still Differentiating? § 2. The Main Races of Mankind. § 3. Was There an Alpine Race? § 4. The Brunet Peoples. § 5. How Existing Races may be Related to Each Other. § 1 IT is necessary now to discuss plainly what is meant by a phrase, used often very carelessly, "The Races of Mankind." It must be evident from what has already been explained in Chapter III that man, so widely spread and subjected therefore to great di...')
  • 02.0523 April 2024 02.05Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 12 (riw | sunting) ‎[23.831 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'EARLY THOUGHT § 1. Primitive Philosophy. § 2. The Old Man in Religion. § 3. Fear and Hope in Religion. § 4. Stars and Seasons. § 5. Story-telling and Myth-making. § 6. Complex Origins of Religion. § 1 BEFORE we go on to tell how 6000 or 7000 years ago men began to gather into the first towns and to develop something more than the loose-knit tribes that had hitherto been their highest political association, something must be said about the things that we...')

22 April 2024

  • 09.0422 April 2024 09.04Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 11 (riw | sunting) ‎[31.234 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'NEOLITHIC MAN IN EUROPE § 1. The Age of Cultivation Begins. § 2. Where Did the Neolithic Culture Arise? § 3. Everyday Neolithic Life. § 4. How Did Sowing Begin? § 5. Primitive Trade. § 6. The Flooding of the Mediterranean Valley. § 1 THE Neolithic phase of human affairs began in Europe about 10,000 or 12,000 years ago. But probably men had reached the Neolithic stage elsewhere some thousands of years earlier. Neolithic men came slowly into Europe from t...')
  • 08.4622 April 2024 08.46Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 10 (riw | sunting) ‎[25.900 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE LATER POSTGLACIAL PALÆOLITHIC MEN, THE FIRST TRUE MEN (Later Palæolithic Age) § 1. The Coming of Men Like Ourselves. § 2. Subdivision of the Later Palæolithic. § 3. The Earliest True Men Were Splendid Savages. § 4. Hunters Give Place to Herdsmen. § 5. No Sub-men in America. § 1 THE Neanderthal type of man prevailed in Europe at least for tens of thousands of years. For ages that make all history seem a thing of yesterday, these nearly human creat...')
  • 08.3722 April 2024 08.37Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 9 (riw | sunting) ‎[15.114 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE NEANDERTHAL MEN, AN EXTINCT RACE (The Early Palæolithic Age) § 1. The World 50,000 Years Ago. § 2. The Daily Life of the First Men. § 3. The Last Palæolithic Men. § 1 IN the time of the Third Interglacial period the outline of Europe and western Asia was very different from what it is to-day. Vast areas to the west and northwest which are now under the Atlantic waters were then dry land; the Irish Sea and the North Sea were river valleys. Over these...')
  • 08.3522 April 2024 08.35Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 8 (riw | sunting) ‎[18.736 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE ANCESTRY OF MAN § 1. Man Descended from a Walking Ape. § 2. First Traces of Man-like Creatures. § 3. The Heidelberg Sub-man. § 4. The Piltdown Sub-man. § 5. The Riddle of the Piltdown Remains. § 1 THE origin of man is still very obscure. It is commonly asserted that he is "descended" from some man-like ape such as the chimpanzee, the orang-utang, or the gorilla, but that of course is as reasonable as saying that I am "descended" from some Hottentot o...')
  • 08.3322 April 2024 08.33Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 7 (riw | sunting) ‎[14.660 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE AGE OF MAMMALS § 1. A New Age of Light. § 2. Tradition Comes into the World. § 3. An Age of Brain Growth. § 4. The World Grows Hard Again. § 5. Chronology of the Ice Age. § 1 THE third great division of the geological record, the Cainozoic, opens with a world already physically very like the world we live in to-day. Probably the day was at first still perceptibly shorter, but the scenery had become very modern in its character. Climate was, of course...')
  • 08.3122 April 2024 08.31Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 6 (riw | sunting) ‎[18.444 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE AGE OF REPTILES § 1. The Age of Lowland Life. § 2. Flying Dragons. § 3. The First Birds. § 4. An Age of Hardship and Death. § 5. The First Appearance of Fur and Feathers. § 1 WE know that for hundreds of thousands of years the wetness and warmth, the shallow lagoon conditions that made possible the vast accumulations of vegetable matter which, compressed and mummified,[1] are now coal, prevailed over most of the world. There were some cold intervals,...')
  • 08.2822 April 2024 08.28Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 5 (riw | sunting) ‎[16.920 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'CHANGES IN THE WORLD'S CLIMATE § 1. Why Life Must Change Continually. § 2. The Sun a Steadfast Star. § 3. Changes from Within the Earth. § 4. Life May Control Change. § 1 THE Record of the Rocks is like a great book that has been carelessly misused. All its pages are torn, worn, and defaced, and many are altogether missing. The outline of the story that we sketch here has been pieced together slowly and painfully in an investigation that is still incomple...')
  • 08.2622 April 2024 08.26Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 4 (riw | sunting) ‎[9.967 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE INVASION OF THE DRY LAND BY LIFE § 1. Life and Water. § 2. The Earliest Animals. § 1 WHEREVER the shore line ran there was life, and that life went on in and by and with water as its home, its medium, and its fundamental necessity. The first jelly-like beginnings of life must have perished whenever they got out of the water, as jelly-fish dry up and perish on our beaches to-day. Drying up was the fatal thing for life in those days, against which at fir...')
  • 08.2422 April 2024 08.24Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 3 (riw | sunting) ‎[11.241 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'NATURAL SELECTION AND THE CHANGES OF SPECIES NOW here it will be well to put plainly certain general facts about this new thing, life, that was creeping in the shallow waters and intertidal muds of the early Palæozoic period, and which is perhaps confined to our planet alone in all the immensity of space. Life differs from all things whatever that are without life in certain general aspects. There are the most wonderful differences among living things to-day,...')
  • 08.2122 April 2024 08.21Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 2 (riw | sunting) ‎[13.565 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE RECORD OF THE ROCKS § 1. The First Living Things. § 2. How Old Is the World? § 1 WE do not know how life began upon the earth. Biologists, that is to say, students of life, have made guesses about these beginnings, but we will not discuss them here. Let us only note that they all agree that life began where the tides of those swift days spread and receded over the steaming beaches of mud and sand. The atmosphere was much denser then, usually great clo...')
  • 08.2022 April 2024 08.20Ikhtisar Sejarah/Bab 1 (riw | sunting) ‎[8.581 bita]Glorious Engine (bicara | kontrib) (←Membuat halaman berisi 'THE EARTH IN SPACE AND TIME THE earth on which we live is a spinning globe. Vast though it seems to us, it is a mere speck of matter in the greater vastness of space. Space is, for the most part, emptiness. At great intervals there are in this emptiness flaring centres of heat and light, the "fixed stars." They are all moving about in space, notwithstanding that they are called fixed stars, but for a long time men did not realize their motion. They are so vast...')

21 April 2024