Panduan Game/Genesis/16-Bit The Best 196 in 1

  1. After Burner 2
  2. Air Bluster
  3. Aladdin
  4. Aladdin II
  5. Alex Kidd
  6. Alien 3
  7. Alien Soldier
  8. Alien Storm
  9. Alisia Dragoon
  10. Altered Beast
  11. Arcus Odyssey
  12. Art Alive!
  13. Atomic Runner
  14. Awesome Possum
  15. Bare Knuckle III
  16. Batman
  17. Batman Returns
  18. Battle Mania - Daiginjo
  19. Battletoads
  20. Bio Hazard Battle
  21. Block Out
  22. Bubble and Squeak
  23. Bubsy
  24. Bubsy II
  25. Castle of Illusion
  26. Castlevania: Bloodlines
  27. Championship Pro-Am
  28. Chiki Chiki Boys

Pranala luar
