Panduan Game/NES/Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

  • Stage: 10


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During 15th Century

Europe, there lived a person named Dracula.

He practiced sorcery in order to create a bad world filled with evil.

He began taking over the Continent of Europe, changing countries from good to bad.

The good people of Europe tried to fight off Dracula, but no one was able to survive.

Finally, the Belmont family was summoned to battle Dracula's vile forces.

The Belmont family has a long history of fighting evil.

The townspeople became afraid of the Belmonts super-human power and asked them to leave the country.

Fortunately the people found a mighty Belmont, called Trevor.

The curse of Dracula has begun. The fate of Europe lies with Trevor.

Stage 4


Alucard: I'm surprised you beat me. I've been waiting for you.

I need you to help me destroy Dracula.

What will you do?

Pilihan Alucard Ending
Take him with you? I'm glad to hear that. Let's get him. I am Alucard. Trevor made many sacrifices. The long fight is over. Dracula is dead and all other spirits are asleep.

The battle was won by Trevor and Alucard but Alucard feels guilty because he killed his real father.

Trevor realizes this as he stands there thinking about Alucard.

After this fight the Belmont name shall be honored by all people.

Leave him behind? Well, I'll have to find someone else. Please be careful! Trevor made many sacrifices. The long fight is over. Dracula is dead and all other spirits are asleep.

In the shadows, a person watches the castle fall.

Trevor must go for now but he hopes someday he will get the respect that he deserves.

After this fight the Belmont name shall be honored by all people.



Thank you very much for playing

Presented by Konami

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