Wawanohan jeung Creative Commons/I. Naon Creative Commons téh? / What is Creative Commons?


Question copyright logo by Manjiro5 Wikimedia Commons | CC0 1.0

Creative Commons (CC) mangrupakeun organisasi nirlaba anu miboga udagan pikeun mekarkeun karya kréatif anu bisa digunakeun jalma réa sacara légal. Ieu organisasi geus medalkeun sababaraha lisénsi hak cipta anu katelahna ku istilah Lisénsi Creative Commons. Ieu lisénsi sipatna aya anu ngawatesanan atawa aya ogé anu sipatna ngabébaskeun hak ti pamedal kana karyana.[1]


Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization committed to promoting the sharing and use of creative works through free legal tools. The organization has developed a suite of copyright licenses that provide a flexible range of options for creators to share their work. These licenses allow creators to retain copyright while enabling others to copy, distribute, and make derivative works based on their original content.[1]


Creative Commons diadegkeun  taun 2001 ku Lawrence Lessig, anjeunna profésor hukum ti Universitas Stanford. Lessig teu sorangan, anjeunna dibantos ku réréncanganana ti Institut Teknologi Massachusetts, Universitas Harvard, Universitas Duke, jeung Universitas Villanova. Profésor Lessig nyadiakeun pakakas lisénsi hak cipta anu nandakeun yén karya bisa digunakeun ku jalama rea.


Creative Commons was started in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig, a law professor. He worked with friends from MIT, Harvard, Duke, and Villanova to create Creative Commons. Together, they made it easy for people to share their creative work with others.

Ngeunaan Lawrence Lessig / About Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig, Creative Commons 10th Birthday by Pete Forsyth. CC BY 2.0.


Lawrence Lessig nyaéta aktivis politik ti Amérika. Lessig kakoncara lantaran ngarojong sangkan wates hukum ngeunaan hak cipta jeung mérek dagang dikurangan hususna nalika larap dina téhnologi. Salasahiji cara Lessig pikeun ngahontal udaganana, manéhna ngabéwarakeun ngaliwatan promosi réformasi ka pamaréntah ngaliwatan  Second Constitutional Convention.[2]


Lawrence Lessig, an American political activist, has been a leading advocate for copyright reform. He has argued that traditional copyright laws are ill-suited to the digital age and has proposed a number of reforms. One of his most notable efforts was his involvement in promoting the Second Constitutional Convention as a means of achieving broader legal reform.[2]


Lessig miboga kalungguhan salaku diréktur bagian Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics di Universitas Harvard, ogé mangrupakeun profésor hukum di Sakola Hukum Harvard. Saméméh janten profésor di Harvard, Lessig mangrupakeun professor hukum di Sakola Hukum Stanford ogé anu naratas Stanford Center for Internet and Society. Lessig mangrupakeun anggota dewan anu naratas Creative Commons.[2]


Lessig is the director of the Edmond J. Safra Foundation Center for Ethics at Harvard University. He is also a law professor at Harvard Law School. Before joining Harvard, Lessig was a professor at Stanford Law School and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. Lessig is a founding board member of Creative Commons.[2]

Référénsi / Reference

  1. 1,0 1,1 https://id.creativecommons.net/2019/12/17/apakah-yang-dimaksud-dengan-lisensi-creative-commons/
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 https://scholarworks.umt.edu/mlr/vol65/iss1/1/