Wawanohan jeung Creative Commons/II. Sajarah Creative Commons / Creative Commons History


Loba karya anu hadé medal anu inspirasina tina karya anu sipatna domain publik, contona film Frozen anu inspirasina ti The Snow Queen karya Hans Christian Andersen, The Lion King terinspirasi ti Hamlet karya Shakespeare, The Sorcerer's Apprentice" karya Fantasia anu kawitna tina puisi karya Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, jeung masih kénéh loba karya-karya anu kawéntar anu insprasina tina karya domain publik. Nanging, dina lalampahan medalna Creative Commons, loba ogé hal anu mindeng patukang tonggong jeung urusan hukum jeung hak cipta.


A lot of famous stories and movies were created based on older stories that are now free for anyone to use. For example, Frozen is based on The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen. The Lion King is based on Hamlet by Shakespeare. And Fantasia's Sorcerer's Apprentice is based on a poem by Goethe. But when Creative Commons was first created, there were many problems with copyright laws.

Wilujeng Sumping Mickey Mouse Versi Munggaran di Domain Publik! / Welcome to The Public Domain, Early Version of Mickey Mouse!

Mickey Mouse (poster version) by Walt Disney / Ub Iwerks / Wilfredo Rafael Rodrig.


Hak cipta pikeun karakter Mickey Mouse versi munggaran resmi réngsé di 1 Januari 2024. Hak cipta anu sateuacanna dikawasa ku perusahaan Walt Disney, kiwari statusna jadi domain publik. Mickey Mouse mimiti diwanohkeun munggaran diwanohkeun taun 1928. Dina lalampahanana saméméh jadi domain publik, Mickey Mouse jadi paguneman internasional lantaran aya patalina jeung parobahan hukum hak cipta di Amerika.[1]


The original Mickey Mouse design has become public domain, effective January 1, 2024. This marks the end of Disney's exclusive rights to the character that was first introduced in 1928. The transition to public domain was a significant event, sparked by changes in US copyright law and drawing international attention.[1]

Extended Tom Bell's graph showing extension of U.S. copyright term over time by Tom Bell | CC BY-SA 3.0


Kiwari hak cipta di Amérika katangtuanana nepika 70 taun sanggeus pamedal (anu boga karya) maot. Nanging, saméméh disapukan janten 70 taun, katangtuan hak cipta di Amérika geus sababaraha kali dirobah:

  1. Undang-Undang Hak Cipta taun 1970, anu netepkeun yén hak cipta mangsana ngan dugi ka 14 taun, mangsa hak ciptana bisa ditambahan sakali deui salila 14 taun.
  2. Undang-Undang Hak Cipta taun 1831, mangsa hak cipta robah jadi 28 taun.
  3. Undang-Undang Hak Cipta taun 1976, netepkeun yén mangsa hak cipta dugi ka 75 taun atawa saumur hirup panulis/pamedal ditambah 50 taun.
  4. Undang-Undang Hak Cipta Sonny Bonno taun 1998, anu netepkeun yén mangsa hak cipta dirobah jadi 120 taun, atawa saumur hirup panulis/pamedal ditambah 70 taun.

Hal anu jadi kontrovérsi nyaéta Undang-Undang Sonny Bono anu disahkeun ditaun 1998 lantaran aya patalina jeung pihak nu hayang mertahankeun hak cipta Mickey Mouse. Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 atawa sok disebut Mickey Mouse Act ngalantarankeun hak cipta anu didaptarkeun ti 1 Januari 1978 janten robah mangsana jadi saumur hirup nu nyiptakeun karya ditambah 70 taun sanggeus nu nyiptakeunana maot, sarta nambahan mangsa hak cipta pikeun karya ciptaan perusahaan jadi 95 taun sanggeus mimiti medal atawa 120 taun sanggeus medal.[2]


Currently, copyright in the United States lasts for a term of the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. However, before settling on this 70-year term, US copyright law has undergone several revisions:

  1. The Copyright Act of 1970 established an initial copyright term of 14 years, with a single renewal term of 14 years.
  2. The Copyright Act of 1831 extended the copyright term to 28 years.
  3. The Copyright Act of 1976 increased the copyright term to 75 years or the life of the author plus 50 years, whichever is longer.
  4. The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 further extended the copyright term to 120 years or the life of the author plus 70 years, whichever is longer.

The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 was particularly controversial due to its perceived connection to efforts to extend the copyright protection for Mickey Mouse. The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, or the Mickey Mouse Protection Act, extended copyright terms significantly. This act, often associated with protecting Disney's iconic character, Mickey Mouse, increased copyright protection for works created after 1978 to the life of the author plus 70 years. For corporate creations, the new term is 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter.[2]

Eldred Ngalawan Ashcoft / Eldred vs Ashcoft



Eric Eldred nyaéta ahli hukum literasi Amérika ogé anu ngadegkeun Eldritch Press. Eldred kawéntar lantaran ngalawan konstitusionalitas Undang-Undang Perpanjangan Jangka Waktu Hak Cipta Sonny Bono. Anjeunna éléh di Mahkamah Agung Amérika ditaun 2003, pangacarana ngaranna Lawrence Lessig. Eldred nyieun situs web anu dingaranan Eldritch Press anu eusina mendalkeun karya anu sifarna geus domain publik.[3]


Eric Eldred is an American legal scholar and owner of Eldritch Press. Eldred filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act but lost at the US Supreme Court in 2003, with attorney Lawrence Lessig. Eldred founded Eldritch Press, a website that republishes works in the public domain (no longer subject to copyright).[3]

Creative Commons Medal / The Birth of Creative Commons



Creative Commons medal di taun 2001, anu diinisiasi ku Larry Lessig anu dilantarankeun respon gugatan ngeunaan cara ngokolakeun karya anu sipatna geus domain publik, atawa ieu kajadian katelah ku istilah Eldred v. Ashcroft. CC medal pikeun ngapromosikeun gerakan lisensi konten anu bebas sarta miboga udagan pikeun ngarojong saha waé anu miboga karya méré widi pikeun karyana digunakeun sacara publik. Lisénsi terbuka CC ogé nawarkeun ngeunaan déskripsi dina basa anu basajan pikeun méré informasi ka pamaké lisénsi ngeunaan anu gaé jeung naon anu dipahing pikeun ngagunakeun éta karya, sarta kudu tumut kana éta aturan.


Creative Commons (CC) was founded in 2001 by Larry Lessig in response to a lawsuit challenging the open sharing of works in the public domain, a case known as Eldred v. Ashcroft. CC promotes open licensing of content, aiming to support and empower creators, particularly authors, by allowing them to grant the public permission to use their work without needing legal counsel or relinquishing all rights to the public domain. CC's open licenses provide simple language explanations to inform licensees about what they can and cannot do with a creative work, as well as any conditions they must meet.

Référénsi / Reference

  1. 1,0 1,1 https://www.cnnindonesia.com/hiburan/20240102144511-241-1044371/mickey-mouse-versi-steamboat-willie-kini-bebas-dipakai-publik
  2. 2,0 2,1 https://ambadar.com/id/insights/copyright/kekuatan-mickey-mouse-menggoyang-undang-undang-hak-cipta-amerika/
  3. 3,0 3,1 https://web.archive.org/web/20111007165253/http://creativecommons.org/about/history