Who's Who in China (edisi ke-3)/Chang Kuo-kan

Mr. Chang Kuo-kan was born at P'u-ch'i Hsien, Hupei Province, in 1873. Ho received a thorough education in Chinese, in 1903 he became a Chu jen or Provincial Graduate, through competitive examinations. He was a pupil of former President Hsu Shih-chang. In the Ching time, Mr. Chang was an Expectant Taotai in Heilungkiang. Later he became a member of the Bureau for the Compilation of Constitutional Laws. From June 1911 to January 1912 Mr. Chang was assistant chief of the Statistics Bureau of the State Council or Cabinet. From May to October 1912, he was Chief of the Civil Service Bureau of the Cabinet. From October 1912 to October 1913 he was Chief Secretary of the Cabinet. On May 15, 1914 he was appointed Vice-Minister of the Interior, but on the 14th he resigned on account of mourning. In November 1914 Mr. Chang was appointed T'san Cheng or Councillor of the T'sau Cheng Yuan (Yuan Shih-kai's State Advisory Council in place of the dissolved Parliament). He served in the Council until April 23, 1916 when he was appointed Minister of Education. On June 30, 1916 he was transferred to be Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and concurrently was Acting Minister of Justice. From these ministerships Mr. Chang was removed on July 31, 1916 when he was appointed Civil Governor of Heilungkiang. However, he did not assume the new office and was officially relieved from the governor-ship on August 11. In November 1916 he became Chief Secretary of the Cabinet again. In July 1917, Mr. Chang was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and concurrently Director-General of the National Conservancy Bureau. The latter position he soon resigned and the former position he held until November 1917., In January 1920 Mr. Chang was conferred the Fourth Order of Merit. In February 1920 he was appointed Director-General of Hankow Port Construction Board. In October 1920, he was appointed Chief Justice of the Administrative Court in Peking. From June to August 1922 Mr. Chang was Minister of Agriculture and Commerce and also acted for Tan Yen kai as Minister of the Interior. In November 1922 he was conferred the First Order of Wenfu. In January 1924 Mr. Chang was appointed Minister of Education in Sun Pao-chi's Cabinet.

Mr. Chang Kuo-kan 張國淦字乾