Who's Who in China (edisi ke-3)/Chang Yao-hsiang

Mr. Chang Yao-chiang was born in Hankow in 1896 and studied first at Boone University. He graduated from Tsing Hua in 1915, went to America in the same year and studied at Amherst College and Columbia University, receiving his A. B. in 1918. He then took post-graduate work in the Department of Psychology in the same University, received his A. M. in 1919. He returned to China in 1920 and was appointed professor of Peking Higher Normal College. He founded the Chinese Psychological Society in Nanking in 1921 and was elected the first president of the Society, and also editor of the Chinese Journal of Psychology, a 150-page quarterly, now drawing a circulation of 5,000 copies every issue. In that journal he published some of his original researches, such as "Chinese Vocabulary Test," "Chinese Information Test," "Chinese Superstitions," "Eccentricities of Past Chinese," "First Memories," "A Study of Emotion of Chinese New Poets," etc. He was appointed dean of the Department of Education and Psychology of Peking Normal University in 1922, which post he is still holding.

Mr. Chang Yao-chiang


(Chang Yao-hsiang)