Kontribusi pengguna Jarould
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Pengguna dengan 7 suntingan. Akun dibuat pada 1 Maret 2015.
20 Agustus 2017
- 00.0520 Agustus 2017 00.05 beda riw +43 k Abad Pertengahan/Sejarah/Awal/Vandal (GR) File:Genseric sacking Rome 455.jpg → File:Genseric sacking Rome 455 The Sack of Rome, Karl Briullov, 1833-1836.jpg
12 Agustus 2017
- 03.3412 Agustus 2017 03.34 beda riw +15 k Yunani Kuno/Sejarah/Minos (GR) File:Knossos bull.jpg → File:Knossos Bull-Leaping Fresco.jpg saat ini
- 01.4512 Agustus 2017 01.45 beda riw +34 k Asia Barat Kuno/Sejarah/Assyria (GR) File:14 century BC Eastern.png → File:14 century BC Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.png saat ini
- 01.3912 Agustus 2017 01.39 beda riw +27 k Yunani Kuno/Seni/Lukisan (GR) File renamed: File:Mycenaean Woman.jpg → File:Fresco of a Mycenaean woman, circa 1300 BC.jpg File renaming criterion #2: to change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes w...
- 01.3912 Agustus 2017 01.39 beda riw +27 k Yunani Kuno/Sejarah/Peradaban Mikenai (GR) File renamed: File:Mycenaean Woman.jpg → File:Fresco of a Mycenaean woman, circa 1300 BC.jpg File renaming criterion #2: to change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes w... saat ini
- 01.3812 Agustus 2017 01.38 beda riw +19 k Yunani Kuno/Sejarah/Zaman Perunggu Pertengahan (GR) File renamed: File:Mycenaean Treasure.jpg → File:Replicas of Mycenaean swords and cups.jpg File renaming criterion #2: to change from a meaningless or ambiguous name to a name that describes wha... saat ini
- 01.3512 Agustus 2017 01.35 beda riw +23 k Yunani Kuno/Seni/Tembikar/Zaman Perunggu Akhir (GR) File renamed: File:Ancient Greek pottery in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens 13.JPG → File:Mycenaean palace amphora, found in the Argolid, in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens.jpg [[c:COM:FR#r... saat ini