Pengguna:Andrean182/Kotak pasir/Bahasa Spanyol

Pelajaran sunting

Valencia di malam hari.
Pantai ke Atlantik di Galicia.
Alhambra, Granada.

Páginas generales sunting

Punto de partida sunting

"Titik permulaan" — dasar-dasar percakapan dan tata bahasa.

¿Qué opinas? sunting

"Bagaimana pendapatmu?" — tentang sudut pandang dan pendapat.

¿Cuándo se hará? sunting

"Kapan akan dilakukan?" — semua tentang waktu.

Lampiran lainnya sunting

Kosa kata sunting

Grammar sunting

Verbs sunting

  •   Spanish/Tenses is a grammar appendix which outlines all possible verb conjugations for regular Spanish verbs. Verbs are first divided by mood (indicative, subjunctive, imperative), then by aspect (simple, perfect, continuous, perfect continuous), and finally by tense (present, preterite, imperfect, conditional, future). This appendix can be used as a reference for any and all regular verb conjugations.
  •   Spanish/Verbs (archived) is a guide to verbs, with some other pages in it too.

Nouns sunting

  •   Valuable noun-related phrases (perfect for the beginner). Will prove valuable for also learning present tense and past tense. Can be used to learn the sentence structure.

Other materials sunting

The materials below are mostly miscellaneous or incomplete.

Incomplete lessons sunting

  •   Las personas Describing people and opinions about them.
  •   La escuelaSchool, ser versus estar.
  •   El tiempo pasadoThe past tense- All about the past tense in Spanish: Preterito, Imperfecto, Differences between the two.

Learning sunting

Contribute to this Wikibook sunting

This is a Wikibook — please feel free to edit, enhance, update and add to it, in any way that will make it a better teaching resource! Especially if you are a native Spanish speaker, please consider recording sound files for any of the dialogue or vocabulary. It seriously improves the learning potential of the book if you can listen as you read! A list of the people who have contributed to this featured book is here.

The book already has all of the most basic information allowing you to construct a simple sentence, and say a few things in Spanish. However, do try to help by adding some more information on other topics that are not here. As you write, remember that people reading this book can be totally new to the language. Do not write as if you are writing for another Spanish speaker, but keep in mind to explain things in great detail to enable learners to use this book easily.

Contribute to this book to make it a good way for new learners to learn the Spanish language!

See also sunting